if i was their manager, i would really push for more medleys since they are trying to pick up from where they last left off. but i hope there is a variation of the medleys. or maybe a medley of those that didnt make the Greatest Hits album. or a medley of those part of the Greatest Hits and some that are too good to hear (like "And I"). anyway, here's a video.
and i cant figure out whose voice was dominating, either Steo or Mikey. but anyway, though it was dominating, it felt like blending, and actually, i kindda liked that rendition of Picture of You. =)
i love this song a lot. i wish they made a music video for this. i wish Ronan gets to sing it again. when he sings it, its like he is singing it to me. i wonder why?
a very memorable video as this is the first video that made me realize i have the hots for Ronan. haha! the white sleeveless shirt, the jeans, the cowboy hat, the sunglass, the hairy chest, haha! this is one of Ronan at his finest. the rest of the Boyz are also looking good here, but i should say, Ronan looked awesomely hot!
this is the first time i saw this video. its colorful, like a remnant from the 80's. this was the time when the Boyz i guess were starting, and the microphone was still with Steo and Mikey.
i dont like this video. really. i havent made the direct connection between the song and the video. except for the stones on the street and the birds, and the Boyz, then i dont really get this video. forgive my ignorance. enlighten me if necessary.
this site is dedicated to re-posting Boyzone videos which are lurking around the net. i have been getting nostalgic, and this is the least that i can do to keep my memory lane alive. i will always love Boyzone and Ronan Patrick John Keating.